I am a retired civil servant living in Cornwall. I have always had a love of landscape photography and with the time that I have gained now that I am retired I am taking this passion to another level.
The majority of my pictures will be taken in and around Cornwall, but I regularly travel around other parts of the UK so there will be images from all locations.
Whilst my main interest is in landscape photography, thanks to a college course I am taking I have also developed an interest in macro and street photography, but as you will see in the galleries I am only just dipping my toes into these genres.
All pictures have been taken with a range of Nikon cameras, so far I have owned a D80, D7500 and currently a Z8. The London pictures were all taken originally with an iPhone but I have recently upgraded to a Nikon Zf for more control.
Please take a look at the gallery pages and I hope you enjoy my work.